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[ti]BA[/ti]Maps of Kurdistan; Greater Kurdistan or all 4 parts individually
Topic Started: 21st November 2012 - 11:45 PM (169,884 Views)
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9th February 2013 - 10:21 AM
Notice that the Zaza areas are seperated from the rest of Kurdistan here, however i believe all of Ilam province is included, which Shirwan has been complaining about, so here's the map for you :)
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The map is upper bullshit and appears to me more like the work of some dreamers. There is no way that the Zaza areas will be excluded and second the Zaza areas are intentionally drawn to big and too homogeneous. According to this map Bingol is entirely Zaza but in reality the North-Northeastern parts are Kurmanc. The same with Dersim. And there is no clear border many tribes and villages in Cewlik are in fact bilingual.
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good map of SK, except they have included Hawija terrorists in Kirkuk which we DONT want.
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6th February 2013 - 10:41 PM
6th February 2013 - 01:44 AM
no Rawandkurdistani. it is not. if you watch most NK demos they used a "camana" with those colors only. and PYD does not even breath without PKK telling it to, and i have no issue what the flag, the only solution is the one above. so what guys? let there be 2 kurdish states ther e are 22 arab ones and 5 turkish ones.
it makes no sense, and you are wrong Alan. They use "Camana" in this colors because red, green, yellow are the traditional real colors of Kurds. But as a flag the flag with the yellow Sun is original flag, all Kurds know that the Sun is our symbol and it misses in the PYD flag. EVEN THE PKK has its own flag with a Sun on it.

I believe the West Kurdistani flag is just temporary because how can they use the exact same flag as the South Kurdistan one though claiming to not want independence?

Even in North Kurdistan they consider the flag of Mahabad as the real flag.


This here is the Kurdistan flag of the PKK

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The PYD flag has no connection to the other flags whatsoever and I doubt that it will ever take foot in any part of Kurdistan on the long run.
isnt that even worst? why use two different flags for NK and WK!! what is pkk trying to do!? i really dont know :shrug:

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And once again the Zazaki lands are seperated from the rest of Kurdistan, these Turks really try to Turkify our Zazaki population, what a shame it will never happen.
Edited by RawandKurdistani, 2nd March 2013 - 08:11 PM.
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on this map even the lak and gorani areas are separated.
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Best Map of SK and i think this will be the official border map of SK
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^^I thought Hamadan was purely Iranified? Also they forgot to include the entire Ilam province!

Edited by RawandKurdistani, 11th March 2013 - 02:14 AM.
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3rd March 2013 - 01:56 AM
Best Map of SK and i think this will be the official border map of SK
But the Sinjar and Khanaqin areas on this map doesn't even get close to reaching the towns with the same names ;)
Edited by RawandKurdistani, 11th March 2013 - 02:08 AM.
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Edited by RawandKurdistani, 11th March 2013 - 02:13 AM.
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11th March 2013 - 02:04 AM
3rd March 2013 - 01:56 AM
Best Map of SK and i think this will be the official border map of SK
But the Sinjar and Khanaqin areas on this map doesn't even get close to reaching the towns with the same names ;)
they do :)

Edited by RawandKurdistani, 15th March 2013 - 12:24 AM.
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11th March 2013 - 09:30 AM
11th March 2013 - 02:04 AM

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they do :)

Actually most maps disagree. Both Khanaqin and Sinjar are not included on this map. Here is another map that shows the locations of the towns:
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Save Kobani and Shingal!
11th March 2013 - 02:02 AM
^^I thought Hamadan was purely Iranified? Also they forgot to include the entire Ilam province!

I've seen a lot of kurdish maps and unfortunately most of them do not include Ilam for some reason.

I'll guess if the people of Ilam really want to be part of Kurdistan, they have to fight as anyone else. If they do not fight, Peshmerga will not help them.
Edited by FeyliKurd, 15th March 2013 - 02:36 AM.
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15th March 2013 - 02:33 AM
11th March 2013 - 02:02 AM
^^I thought Hamadan was purely Iranified? Also they forgot to include the entire Ilam province!

I've seen a lot of kurdish maps and unfortunately most of them do not include Ilam for some reason.

I'll guess if the people of Ilam really want to be part of Kurdistan, they have to fight as anyone else. If they do not fight, Peshmerga will not help them.
You have a point, not many Kurds know about them, because they are silent as hell compared to the other provinces of EK.
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If other Kurds don't want Ilam to be apart of Kurdistan, then fine by me. We will just form Pahlistan as other members have said we want to form. :PJoking, no but on a serious not I think it's because it's a tribal region, the majority of the Kurds still live semi-nomadic lifes, so nationalist movements from Sk or NK(PJAK) find it hard to reach them.
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15th March 2013 - 03:58 AM
If other Kurds don't want Ilam to be apart of Kurdistan, then fine by me. We will just form Pahlistan as other members have said we want to form. :PJoking, no but on a serious not I think it's because it's a tribal region, the majority of the Kurds still live semi-nomadic lifes, so nationalist movements from Sk or NK(PJAK) find it hard to reach them.
Heval, why would any healthy Kurd ignore any Kurdish population anywhere? I understand, what your trying to say here, but it's also a very big problem to see how Kurds are so inactive there. We can only hope, they open up when the time is right.

What i really like about Ilami Kurds, is that many still live the traditional Kurdish lifestyle, which has sadly disappeared in most of Kurdistan these days.
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Urmiye is has a huge Azeri population but whenever something happens urmiye is a part of it so no excuses
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15th March 2013 - 02:33 AM
11th March 2013 - 02:02 AM
^^I thought Hamadan was purely Iranified? Also they forgot to include the entire Ilam province!

I've seen a lot of kurdish maps and unfortunately most of them do not include Ilam for some reason.

I'll guess if the people of Ilam really want to be part of Kurdistan, they have to fight as anyone else. If they do not fight, Peshmerga will not help them.
Thats not the reason, most maps which exclude Ilam are maps from Wikipedia or Iranian made maps simply because Iranians exclude the Lors as a whole from Kurds and they consider the Ilamis as Lors too. Many Maps even exclude parts of Kirmashan. If you look at Kurdish made maps you, most of them include Ilam.

Just because Ilam is not included on a stupid map doesn't mean anything. I remember maps of West Kurdistan were except Hesice province are excluded.
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Save Kobani and Shingal!
15th March 2013 - 08:38 AM
15th March 2013 - 02:33 AM

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Thats not the reason, most maps which exclude Ilam are maps from Wikipedia or Iranian made maps simply because Iranians exclude the Lors as a whole from Kurds and they consider the Ilamis as Lors too. Many Maps even exclude parts of Kirmashan. If you look at Kurdish made maps you, most of them include Ilam.

Just because Ilam is not included on a stupid map doesn't mean anything. I remember maps of West Kurdistan were except Hesice province are excluded.
Yes Mendeli should also be included in South Kurdistan, but it's not. You know why? Because the people there don't fight. While in Khanaqin, people did fight, and in return KRG helps the people there. Peshmerga will not help anyone who does not fight or struggle for Kurdistan.

The kurds in Ilam have been very isolated from the rest of Kurdistan and that is a huge problem. I'm saying this as a Feyli, of course I want that my ancestors land to be part of a future Kurdistan. But if the people there don't fight, it will not be that way.
Edited by FeyliKurd, 15th March 2013 - 09:04 AM.
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new i-racki map coming soon, congrats to them xD
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South Kurdistan map
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The question is, if we can risk to wait with independence until 2014.
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it's just a map we won't get that before we dump I-rack
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Can anybody read Japanese? haha
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