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[ti]BA[/ti]Maps of Kurdistan; Greater Kurdistan or all 4 parts individually
Topic Started: 21st November 2012 - 11:45 PM (307,719 Views)
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Can anyone post a detailed map around the areas of Mandali, Illam etc.?

Apparently, there's issues with unifying these areas, I heard. Does both SK and EK need to be liberated, in order to unite these areas?
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the discussions of splitting up iraq into 3 states are under way
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I really want it to work out, but something tells me your map looks more realistic. Which one is North Korea :P
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Yeah I agree with this Map also I said this on RBK long time ago
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Guys, i have only seen a handful of North Kurdistani's waving this new flag, it's mostly used in Western Kurdistan, and i highly doubt they wanna become a seperate state, considering how small the area is.
Right now we need to liberate our lands, what's gonna happen to them after that is a situation for another time.
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no Rawandkurdistani. it is not. if you watch most NK demos they used a "camana" with those colors only. and PYD does not even breath without PKK telling it to, and i have no issue what the flag, the only solution is the one above. so what guys? let there be 2 kurdish states ther e are 22 arab ones and 5 turkish ones.
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5th February 2013 - 10:04 AM
Will there ever be a united Greater Kurdistan, or will there be two separate states? What do you guys think is the most realistic?

Of course I know that we all want a Greater united Kurdistan, but to be honest I'm not sure if that will work.

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I don't understand why you people keep spreading Persian propaganda? Apparently I'm a Persian propagandist for stating Lurs are Kurds and the Kurdistan border doesn't end at North Ilam. So what about the Kordali Feyli tribe in the south of Ilam? What about Malek Shahis and Arkawazis in central Ilam? What about historic Pahla town? Plus only Faylis in Khanaqin and Mandali will possibly be apart of KRG. The Lak speakers in south-east of Kurdistan I think will form their own Kurdish state.
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Northern Ilam I am 100% certain is 100% Kurdish, specifically Feyli, mostly Ali Shirwanis, aswell as Arkawazis. Central/Western Ilam is Malek Shahi populated. Southern Ilam Dinarwandi who are known as Kordali, but they call themselves Kurds to foriegners and fayli to other Kurds. Point being is that there has been no major demographic change or any change at all in Ilam, with the exception of Lorestan being changed only in terms of Persianization linguistically and culturally. Ilam is un-touched by this because we live still in a tribal type way, even city Ilamis or Faylis like myself only recently are urban. My dad said my Grandfather was a nomadic herder, and my dad said his dad never got the chance to introduce him to the rest of his relatives who were still nomadic in Ilam, when he moved to Baghdad.
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6th February 2013 - 01:44 AM
no Rawandkurdistani. it is not. if you watch most NK demos they used a "camana" with those colors only. and PYD does not even breath without PKK telling it to, and i have no issue what the flag, the only solution is the one above. so what guys? let there be 2 kurdish states ther e are 22 arab ones and 5 turkish ones.
Heval, i see that as a big problem. Notice how the Turkish and Arab nation are so devided, they all consider themselfes as seperate nations. Just look at these palestinians running around and claiming to be "stateless". They just ignore around 22 Arab countries, with most of them being several times bigger than Kurdistan.
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I dont look at arabs and turks as role models for us. I think we should have one independent state (wether it is one state with one government or a federation). I would prefer one government tho
Edited by FulcrumKAF, 6th February 2013 - 03:05 AM.
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6th February 2013 - 02:24 AM
5th February 2013 - 10:04 AM
Will there ever be a united Greater Kurdistan, or will there be two separate states? What do you guys think is the most realistic?

Of course I know that we all want a Greater united Kurdistan, but to be honest I'm not sure if that will work.

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I don't understand why you people keep spreading Persian propaganda? Apparently I'm a Persian propagandist for stating Lurs are Kurds and the Kurdistan border doesn't end at North Ilam. So what about the Kordali Feyli tribe in the south of Ilam? What about Malek Shahis and Arkawazis in central Ilam? What about historic Pahla town? Plus only Faylis in Khanaqin and Mandali will possibly be apart of KRG. The Lak speakers in south-east of Kurdistan I think will form their own Kurdish state.
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Heval, we didn't make this mape. FeyliKurd simply put up a border between SK+EK and NK+WK. None of us sees anything wrong in more land and a higher population, why should we?
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6th February 2013 - 03:08 AM
6th February 2013 - 03:06 AM

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I see, then who are these Kurds not including all of Ilam? Maybe they don't know about Kurds in those parts, they should be educated.
Well many Kurds doesn't think any of Ilam is Kurdish at all. Half a year ago i thought Eastern Kurdistan was Urmia, Kurdistan and Kermashan. I don't know why the Ilami Kurds are so unknown, maybe cuz they don't have many representatives?
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6th February 2013 - 03:04 AM
I dont look at arabs and turks as role models for us. I think we should have one independent state (wether it is one state with one government or a federation). I would prefer one government tho
Maybe something like north and South Carolina
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It's not me who made this map...

And it really was not my intention to spread "persian propaganda"! :(
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6th February 2013 - 03:22 AM
It's not me who made this map...

And it really was not my intention to spread "persian propaganda"! :(
Sorry I didnt mean you, but it is helping Persians or Persianized Iraqis case. Because they claim Lors and Faylis are Persian, including our lands.
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5th February 2013 - 10:04 AM
Will there ever be a united Greater Kurdistan, or will there be two separate states? What do you guys think is the most realistic?

Of course I know that we all want a Greater united Kurdistan, but to be honest I'm not sure if that will work.

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Thats just wrong, Western and Southern Kurdistan will be united and the flag will be the traditional which almost all Kurds use since at least 2003.

I have no problems with the Idea of two Kurdish states whatsoever but I doubt that the PYD flag will take foot.
Edited by Kurdistano, 6th February 2013 - 10:45 PM.
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6th February 2013 - 01:44 AM
no Rawandkurdistani. it is not. if you watch most NK demos they used a "camana" with those colors only. and PYD does not even breath without PKK telling it to, and i have no issue what the flag, the only solution is the one above. so what guys? let there be 2 kurdish states ther e are 22 arab ones and 5 turkish ones.
it makes no sense, and you are wrong Alan. They use "Camana" in this colors because red, green, yellow are the traditional real colors of Kurds. But as a flag the flag with the yellow Sun is original flag, all Kurds know that the Sun is our symbol and it misses in the PYD flag. EVEN THE PKK has its own flag with a Sun on it.

I believe the West Kurdistani flag is just temporary because how can they use the exact same flag as the South Kurdistan one though claiming to not want independence?

Even in North Kurdistan they consider the flag of Mahabad as the real flag.


This here is the Kurdistan flag of the PKK

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The PYD flag has no connection to the other flags whatsoever and I doubt that it will ever take foot in any part of Kurdistan on the long run.
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the SUN child
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5th February 2013 - 10:04 AM
Will there ever be a united Greater Kurdistan, or will there be two separate states? What do you guys think is the most realistic?

Of course I know that we all want a Greater united Kurdistan, but to be honest I'm not sure if that will work.

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1 Kurdish state, called KURDISTAN, but with a federal system.
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7th February 2013 - 01:53 AM
5th February 2013 - 10:04 AM
Will there ever be a united Greater Kurdistan, or will there be two separate states? What do you guys think is the most realistic?

Of course I know that we all want a Greater united Kurdistan, but to be honest I'm not sure if that will work.

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1 Kurdish state, called KURDISTAN, but with a federal system.
100% agree
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Kurdistan: when pkk and pyd start using the Kurdish flag which has been used since 1946 not 2003, then i will believe in a united Kurdistan, WK was a good example that pkk does NOT want a united country, but rather a confederation of some sort. and if you want to claim "this is wrong" then no point arguing this any longer .

SK and EK do not sympathize with pkk like WK and NK do, i am not saying there aint any supporters but it does not exceed more than 10-20%. there are reasons for this, SK and EK have their own struggle for decades and will simply not put aside their political parties who fought/fights for their freedom for another newly born one.

also did pyd keep the Erbil agreement ? unfortunately no, they still say YPG is the only legit force of WK meaning the WK pesh trained in WK are not valid and will not be given a chance unless they too fall under pyd, while it should have been the supreme council, i know pyd says oh we abide by the agreements and so on but in reality they do the opposite. now i have no issue with them ruling all of WK, if that is what the majority ppl want there i respect that but in SK and EK, there is no chance and they should not try to enforce themselves either, like forming PJAK while you have Komele and Dimukrat who fought for EK for the last 80 years.

thus the only solution is 2 Kurdish state as shown in the map above, or two confederation states, like UK and Ireland. i base my argument on facts and that is happening on the grounds in WK, thus NK will not be much different from WK. and the flag will be as PYD suggested flag of those two parts, which i have no issue with for those two parts either. if pkk believed in SK and EK flag then they would have used it too in WK.
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Notice that the Zaza areas are seperated from the rest of Kurdistan here, however i believe all of Ilam province is included, which Shirwan has been complaining about, so here's the map for you :)
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9th February 2013 - 10:21 AM
Notice that the Zaza areas are seperated from the rest of Kurdistan here, however i believe all of Ilam province is included, which Shirwan has been complaining about, so here's the map for you :)
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The map is upper bullshit and appears to me more like the work of some dreamers. There is no way that the Zaza areas will be excluded and second the Zaza areas are intentionally drawn to big and too homogeneous. According to this map Bingol is entirely Zaza but in reality the North-Northeastern parts are Kurmanc. The same with Dersim. And there is no clear border many tribes and villages in Cewlik are in fact bilingual.
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