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[ti]SW[/ti]YPG; Yekêtya Parastina Gel - Western Kurdistan army
Topic Started: 25th November 2012 - 11:14 AM (848,126 Views)
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100 village around Kobani evacuated as result of ISIS heavy shelling.

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PDK stopped it's cooperation with PUK in favor of Gorran few days ago exactly with this reasoning. That despite beeing in coalition with PDK they spred heavy lies and propaganda against PDK.

PUK is currently fighting for survival they will try anything to gain any support.
Edited by Kurdistano, 19th September 2014 - 11:13 PM.
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19th September 2014 - 11:10 PM
19th September 2014 - 11:04 PM
Zinar and Armanc, it is the same PDK fighting against IS on PDK zone of border, the same with PUK. Starting to generalize all PDK the same as some pesh who did traitor act, is not clever is it?
sorry but PDK pesh are not good at fighting they have 5 times better weapons than YPG and PUK yet they couldnt defend Sengal and all the surrounding villages i mean they were almost enterin hewler ffs! Also we are not against PDK stop trying to make us both look like anti PDK i actually like PDKs nationalist ideology more than PKKs.
Not trying to bend your words to make you look like anti-pdk, but you two try reading your post again and you will see how it looks like. Btw, where did you get that PDK has 5 times better weapons than PUK, have you seen what military vehicles PUK has in its hands? Some media on Kurdistan is spreading info about that KDP is holding on the international arrived weapons and nto giving to PUK, but so far it has only been proven as false.
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We'll win the fight against the terrorists, but due to their shelling we'll suffer heavy damage against our infrastructure.
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Xorteki Kurdistani
19th September 2014 - 11:26 PM
19th September 2014 - 11:10 PM

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Not trying to bend your words to make you look like anti-pdk, but you two try reading your post again and you will see how it looks like. Btw, where did you get that PDK has 5 times better weapons than PUK, have you seen what military vehicles PUK has in its hands? Some media on Kurdistan is spreading info about that KDP is holding on the international arrived weapons and nto giving to PUK, but so far it has only been proven as false.
just stop lolI have never criticised Barzani and called him jash and other disgusting words that many PDK fanboys use towards other leaders. If you read my other posts i criticise PKKs internationalism and pro turk-kurd brotherhood more than anything i also stated that i support Barzanis independence struggle with all my heart but people like you probably think im anti pdk just because im from bakur right? because i cant find any other explanation.

And lets talk about the weapons, seriously do you really think that YPG with ak47s have better weapons than PDK peshmerga hahahahahaha

also as i always say who ever declares independence first is my leader :)
Edited by Zinar, 19th September 2014 - 11:33 PM.
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19th September 2014 - 11:09 PM
19th September 2014 - 11:07 PM
Peyama Barzanî li ser rewşa Kobanî

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Hewlêr (Rûdaw) – Serokê Herêma Kurdistanê Mesûd Barzanî li ser rewşa Kobanî peyamek belav kir û banga li civaka navdewletî kir bi hewara Kobanî biçe.

Serokê Herêma Kurdistanê Mesûd Barzanî, di daxuyaniyekê de li ser rewşa herêma Kobanî ya Rojavayê Kurdistanê ku ev çend roj in di bin êrişên giran ên DAIŞê de ye, ragihand, êriş û hovîtiyên DAIŞê li dijî Kobanî û Rojavayê Kurdistanê gef e li ser hemû gelê Kurdistanê.

Barzanî wiha got: “Êrişên DAIŞê li ser Kobanî şeref, kermaet û man û nema gelê me kiriye armanc.”

Serokê Herêma Kurdistanê ji hemû hêz û aliyên Kurdistanî xwest, nakokiyên xwe bidin aliyekî û keramet, xak û jiyana welatiyên Kobanî biparêzin.

Barzanî her wiha bang li civaka navdewletî jî kir bi hewara Kobanî biçe û hemû cure tedbîrên pêwîst bo parastina gelê Kobanî û Rojavayê Kurdistanê bigire.

Source: http://rudaw.net/kurmanci/kurdistan/190920149

Dear alasha, I don't understand a word, except Barzani and Kobani.
Will translate important notes for you darling ;):

Barzani asks International Community to intervene in Kobane to prevent a new massacre by IS

Barzani: "Attack on Kobani, is attack on all Kurds"

Barzani: "All kurdish forces and parties need to take aside their differences and defend Kobane"
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19th September 2014 - 11:31 PM
19th September 2014 - 11:26 PM

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just stop lolI have never criticised Barzani and called him jash and other disgusting words that many PDK fanboys use towards other leaders. If you read my other posts i criticise PKKs internationalism and pro turk-kurd brotherhood more than anything i also stated that i support Barzanis independence struggle with all my heart but people like you probably think im anti pdk just because im from bakur right? because i cant find any other explanation.

And lets talk about the weapons, seriously do you really think that YPG with ak47s have better weapons than PDK peshmerga hahahahahaha

also as i always say who ever declares independence first is my leader :)
Dont twist this in to something else Zinar, So let me say it again more clearly, look at your and armanc post about PDK force on the previous page, and not ALL your post on this forum, as that is what we are talking about and not what you have sayid and not sayid on this forum..... We can all say what ever we want to say about kurdish parties, but we need to do it with manner. And no iam not saying you are bakuris and you hate barzani. For the military part, I do not compare YPG and SK force as they are in two diffrence situations with diffrence players in the game. If you had writed only YPG and not PUK/YPG that would have ment a diffrence thing ;)
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19th September 2014 - 07:04 PM
19th September 2014 - 03:49 AM
Listen, the fall of Shengal was inevitable. No matter if it was YPG, YNK, PDK, PKK or god knows what party's Peshmerga fighting they would have either been forced to retreat or faced mass executions due to the situation they were faced with.

Thats BS the PDK Pesmerge should fight but they failed.

Kobane is in a much more difficult situation than Sengal, it is isolated from all sides, but the YPG is fighting like YNK Pesmerge in Kerkûk.

PDK is just successful in developing the economy but they dont can defend Kurdistan militarily.

Who knows what would happen if PDK would be in charge in Kerkûk and Kobane.
First of all, YPG operates and is organized like a semi-conv force, Peshmerga is not.

Second, Kobane got good infrastructure to transport logistics to the frontline (from their centers) and got ammo captured from SAA bases, the only bases which the Peshmergas on the frontline got their hands on was that of Al kasik (small amounts of ammo transported to Shengal from there) and that in Kerkûk, which PUK kept in Kerkûk with a small amount of it being sent to Khanaqin base to be used in combat in Jalawla and Sadiya.

The infrastructure to transport logistics to Shengal was obsolete, bad and the only effective route went through Tal Afar (IS).

Kobane got it's main command and logistics centers near the frontline with good infrastructure and roads in between despite the fact that it is isolated, Shengal was the complete opposite.

Third, vast amounts of Pesh ammo was SOLD, unlike what happens to YPG. The commanders were corrupt, and the Command was not aware of this. Nobody knew of the extent of the shortages of ammo before the attack happened.

The chain of command was broken, something that has not happened to YPG since the early years of its creation. YPG have become more experienced and tried to tackle the problems they face, unlike Pesh which has never fought any wars like the one they are facing now. Peshmerga was inexperienced, and thus kept some guerrilla traits even tho they were now a conventional army due to their top leadership (former guerrillas).

If the problems Pesh faced were tackled in the last decade instead of being ignored (probably because they did not expect conflict), the Peshmerga would most likely be able to defend Shengal, but since they were not the Peshmerga collapsed. That is why I say it was due to a string of events and not a sudden collapse. It was not because of the soldiers, it was because of the system and situation they were put in.

Whether it was the troops of YPG, YNK, PDK or whoever there, they would have retreated if they were faced with the same situation (unless they want to face mass executions like that of IA). Counter my arguments instead of simply calling them BS.
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I wonder if KDP fan boys will go out to European parliaments demanding no help be sent to PYD? In any case, these parties once again proved they don't care for Kurdistan. Twitter is full of fan boy blaming the KDP, I mean wow, just about anything seems to be the KDP's fault these days. I struggle to keep up. Some guy in Europe claimed the KDP stopped DT forces from going to Rojava, yet no one has stopped to think, hang on, are we actually to assume that a force of (800 claimed, which is NOT true, that is probably more than half of the DT forces) is going to try and punch through IS held land between Qamishli and Kobane region?

There is a string of people to blame here, first of all ideological differences. Funny how certain members here admit to the PKK being an "ideology" as opposed to a Kurdish movement. If we co-operated two years ago things have been different. The cantons would have been connected.

Kobani may not fall, basing on Amreli, as it is a relatively small and well positions canton. But the civilians will go through hell.
Edited by AlanJunior, 20th September 2014 - 12:25 AM.
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Xorteki Kurdistani
20th September 2014 - 12:13 AM
19th September 2014 - 07:04 PM

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First of all, YPG operates and is organized like a semi-conv force, Peshmerga is not.

Second, Kobane got good infrastructure to transport logistics to the frontline (from their centers) and got ammo captured from SAA bases, the only bases which the Peshmergas on the frontline got their hands on was that of Al kasik (small amounts of ammo transported to Shengal from there) and that in Kerkûk, which PUK kept in Kerkûk with a small amount of it being sent to Khanaqin base to be used in combat in Jalawla and Sadiya.

The infrastructure to transport logistics to Shengal was obsolete, bad and the only effective route went through Tal Afar (IS).

Kobane got it's main command and logistics centers near the frontline with good infrastructure and roads in between despite the fact that it is isolated, Shengal was the complete opposite.

Third, vast amounts of Pesh ammo was SOLD, unlike what happens to YPG. The commanders were corrupt, and the Command was not aware of this. Nobody knew of the extent of the shortages of ammo before the attack happened.

The chain of command was broken, something that has not happened to YPG since the early years of its creation. YPG have become more experienced and tried to tackle the problems they face, unlike Pesh which has never fought any wars like the one they are facing now. Peshmerga was inexperienced, and thus kept some guerrilla traits even tho they were now a conventional army due to their top leadership (former guerrillas).

If the problems Pesh faced were tackled in the last decade instead of being ignored (probably because they did not expect conflict), the Peshmerga would most likely be able to defend Shengal, but since they were not the Peshmerga collapsed. That is why I say it was due to a string of events and not a sudden collapse. It was not because of the soldiers, it was because of the system and situation they were put in.

Whether it was the troops of YPG, YNK, PDK or whoever there, they would have retreated if they were faced with the same situation (unless they want to face mass executions like that of IA). Counter my arguments instead of simply calling them BS.
It doesnt matter they should have given 20.000 sehids, if someone join peshmerge they should live up to its legendary name, If YPG retreated from Shengal without even firing one bullet i would speak out against them too. Also if you as PDK take the responsibility to defend Ezidis a relgious minority that muslim fundementalists hate more than anything then you should have prepared yourselves for a ISIS attack and strengthened youre defensive lines.

Also its hypocricy to say that PDK didnt know about this ''surprise'' attack, mate YPG/PKK warned them 1-2 months before, if you cant prepare yourselves for a attack when you have 1-2 months time then something is wrong.
Edited by Zinar, 20th September 2014 - 12:38 AM.
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20th September 2014 - 12:32 AM
20th September 2014 - 12:13 AM

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It doesnt matter they should have given 20.000 sehids, if someone join peshmerge they should live up to its legendary name, If YPG retreated from Shengal without even firing one bullet i would speak out against them too. Also if you as PDK take the responsibility to defend Ezidis a relgious minority that muslim fundementalists hate more than anything then you should have prepared yourselves for a ISIS attack and strengthened youre defensive lines.

Also its hypocricy to say that PDK didnt know about this ''surprise'' attack, mate YPG/PKK warned them 1-2 months before, if you cant prepare yourselves for a attack when you have 1-2 months time then something is wrong.
20,000 shehids only to keep a name? That would be a military disaster (and be honest, everyone of us would have lost our shizz if we had lost 20k of our boys). Peshmerga would not have been able to resist the attacks even if they stayed to fight. They simply did not have the capability due to what they were faced with.

The defensive lines were respectable on paper, just like that of IA. The reason for the collapse was more due to the inside (internal problems) than the outside (ISIS) of Pesh. If the leadership had not sold the ammo (which was not reported), the command not broken and party rivalry not destroyed them (among other reasons), they would be able to defend Shengal.

Source of those warnings?
Why Peshmerga chose to ignore them I don't know. Maybe cuz they thought the defenses there were strong enough? Guerilla mentality is a problem when you are commanding a conventional force (for example the fact that only 2 Peshmerga brigades were stationed there + some Zeravani forces).

Heval, I do criticize anyone who deserve it. Many of the Peshmerga commanders and leadership do deserve a shitload of criticism (so does the earlier governments for ignoring the problems Peshmerga had), but the soldiers do not. Calling PDK Peshmerga (or any other Kurdish force for that matter) cowards is wrong.

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19th September 2014 - 11:50 PM
19th September 2014 - 11:09 PM

Quoting limited to 2 levels deepPeyama Barzanî li ser rewşa Kobanî

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Hewlêr (Rûdaw) – Serokê Herêma Kurdistanê Mesûd Barzanî li ser rewşa Kobanî peyamek belav kir û banga li civaka navdewletî kir bi hewara Kobanî biçe.

Serokê Herêma Kurdistanê Mesûd Barzanî, di daxuyaniyekê de li ser rewşa herêma Kobanî ya Rojavayê Kurdistanê ku ev çend roj in di bin êrişên giran ên DAIŞê de ye, ragihand, êriş û hovîtiyên DAIŞê li dijî Kobanî û Rojavayê Kurdistanê gef e li ser hemû gelê Kurdistanê.

Barzanî wiha got: “Êrişên DAIŞê li ser Kobanî şeref, kermaet û man û nema gelê me kiriye armanc.”

Serokê Herêma Kurdistanê ji hemû hêz û aliyên Kurdistanî xwest, nakokiyên xwe bidin aliyekî û keramet, xak û jiyana welatiyên Kobanî biparêzin.

Barzanî her wiha bang li civaka navdewletî jî kir bi hewara Kobanî biçe û hemû cure tedbîrên pêwîst bo parastina gelê Kobanî û Rojavayê Kurdistanê bigire.

Source: http://rudaw.net/kurmanci/kurdistan/190920149
Will translate important notes for you darling ;):

Barzani asks International Community to intervene in Kobane to prevent a new massacre by IS

Barzani: "Attack on Kobani, is attack on all Kurds"

Barzani: "All kurdish forces and parties need to take aside their differences and defend Kobane"
Thanx for the info alasha. :D
Edited by Zagros, 20th September 2014 - 01:18 AM.
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Saroki Rexrawi Radical
yeah Dija terror hasnt arived in kobane at all, and i dont think they are going to get their any time soon, PUK claims that it was 1000 dija terror, since they said this i can confirm its bs. However they have officially asked for help from USA but that really changes nothing. Rojava needs weapons and ammunition fast!
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MT @mergesor: Villages in the W & SW Kobane fronts where the fiercest clashes are occurring.

Posted Image

Aleppo Province: The clashes have continued between YPG fighters and IS fighters in the eastern and western countryside of Ayn al Arab. It is not true that IS fighters entered the city of Kobani, since the closest point where IS fighters exist is about 30km away from the city.

The village of Qarah Mog, where thousands of displaced people exist there, have witnessed bombardment by IS.

The helicopters dropped 2 barrel bombs onto the village of al Mantar and a barrel onto Kafrabish which are located in the southern countryside of Aleppo.

Edited by Zagros, 20th September 2014 - 03:58 AM.
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According to sharpress they DT has reached Kobani and leader of DT Lahur Talabani has taken a pic of himself there and is busy planning to counter IS attacks

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Xorteki Kurdistani
20th September 2014 - 03:40 AM
According to sharpress they DT has reached Kobani and leader of DT Lahur Talabani has taken a pic of himself there and is busy planning to counter IS attacks

If this is true her biji!! But again idk if its true or real news, PDK fanboys are claiming its false.
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Alan, I can't see the picture.
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20th September 2014 - 04:09 AM
Alan, I can't see the picture.
because there is no pic, it's impossible at this time, alot of enemy land before reaching Kobanê. kurdish forces in SK(Peshmerga, HPG, PDKI and so on) should make an coalition and togheter liberate Rojava once and for all. Clear Qamishlo airport, expand the infrastructure between SK and WK and go on full on attack. With Bakuris smugglign themselves in WK attacking from north.
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Saroki Rexrawi Radical
HPG arives in Kobani
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Islamic State: ‘The world cares nothing’ for Western Kurdish city under Isis siege

Kurds call for US air strikes as 133 children from Kobani, on the Turkish border, remain hostages

Leaders of half a million Kurds attacked by Isis fighters in a besieged enclave in northern Syria have appealed for help from the international community, including US air strikes. The plea came as the US House of Representatives voted to authorise the training and arming of rebels in Syria.

Isis fighters used tanks and artillery captured in Iraq to assault the Kurdish enclave around the city of Kobani, also called Ayn al-Arab, where between 400,000 and 500,000 members of Syria’s Kurdish minority have taken refuge. Idris Nassan, the deputy foreign representative of Kobani canton, told The Independent in a phone interview that the attack by Isis, also known as Islamic State, started on 15 September. “[It] is being made from three sides. So far they have captured 15 villages and we have evacuated another 10 because they are too close to the fighting,” he said.

Speaking from Kobani, Mr Nassan said that for the first time, the city had been hit by rockets, three of which exploded in the centre yesterday. The encircling Isis forces are between 12 and 18 miles from the city, which is surrounded by Kurdish villages held by fighters from the People’s Protection Units (YPG), the Syrian franchise of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). The latter has many battle-hardened veterans experienced in fighting the Turkish army over the past 30 years.

The missiles being fired by Isis at Kobani probably come from an arsenal of weapons including tanks, artillery, Humvees and armoured vehicles captured by Isis when it routed five Iraqi army divisions and captured Mosul and Tikrit in June. Mr Nassan said “they have everything except planes”.

He added that for the first time Isis is using foreign fighters, some 800 of whom are estimated by the YPG to be taking part in the attacks. The YPG is trying to keep down its casualties by not fighting to the end in each village but withdrawing and then staging counter-attacks.

The assault on Kobani underlines the paradoxical nature of the confrontation between the US and Isis. President Obama has been assembling a coalition pledged to contain and eradicate Isis. France yesterday agreed to provide air support in Iraq only. But members such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia have in the past aided jihadi movements. Mr Nassan says that at the Tal Abyad border crossing on the Syrian-Turkish frontier, the Syrian side of which is held by Isis, the Turkish authorities have allowed wounded Isis fighters to seek medical help in Turkey. Turkey denies it has ever given Isis or other jihadis free passage across the 560-mile border.

The YPG and PKK have proved the most effective fighters against Isis but the PKK is still labelled a “terrorist organisation” by the US and Europe. The labelling was done at the behest of Turkey, which fought the PKK from 1984, though a ceasefire was declared in 2013. Turkey has been talking to the imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan for five years but US and European officials are still wary of contacts with the Syrian and Turkish Kurds.

Isis has captured most of eastern Syria, defeating both the Syrian army and rebel movements during the summer. Isis fighters are within 30 miles of Aleppo, the largest city in Syria, and have been consolidating their positions elsewhere. They have been moving their headquarters and heavy weapons out of easily identifiable locations in preparation for US air attacks.

The 2.5 million Syrian Kurds, 10 per cent of the population, are mainly in enclaves along the Turkish border. Kobani once had a population of 200,000, but has expanded greatly because of the influx of Kurdish refugees from the rest of the country. Some 400 Kurdish hostages have been taken by Isis, including 133 school children aged between 13 and 14 who were abducted on 30 May as they returned to their homes in Kobani after taking their junior high school final exams in Aleppo.

The siege of Kobani has not attracted much publicity, far less than that of the Old City of Homs, but if it did fall then its half-million Kurds would be at risk. The pro-opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is quoted as saying that there are fears of massacres in the villages seized by Isis. In addition to eliminating the Kurds as opponents, Isis wants to establish its hold on the border region with Turkey across which it can bring in supplies and foreign volunteers. Mr Nassan says the siege of the enclave is not complete since “we can still buy food at high prices from Arab brokers” but he adds that “unfortunately, the world cares nothing about what happens in Kobani”.

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Land force contribution is out of the question due to Kobane being isolated. Maybe we can convince the west to help us airlift some of our elite forces + milans.

Also we should create a combined force to punch through to Kobane, apply pressure on them and ultimately ease the siege on Rojava.
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20th September 2014 - 03:47 AM
20th September 2014 - 03:40 AM
According to sharpress they DT has reached Kobani and leader of DT Lahur Talabani has taken a pic of himself there and is busy planning to counter IS attacks

If this is true her biji!! But again idk if its true or real news, PDK fanboys are claiming its false.
But isn't this actually a blow in the PKK fanboys faces who claimed that PDK stopped DJ forces from entering Kobane. Guys that blame game is getting ridiculous.

I don't believe that anyways it is impossible to reach Kobane that fast through enemy territory.
Edited by Kurdistano, 20th September 2014 - 06:45 AM.
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20th September 2014 - 06:31 AM
Also we should create a combined force to punch through to Kobane, apply pressure on them and ultimately ease the siege on Rojava.
That is how forces form Basur could help now.

Pesmerge and HPG should help the YPG to attack the IS on the western front of Cizire to open a second front against the Terrorists and ease the siege on Kobane.
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Agree. Kobane needs all the support they can get.

All Kurds need to be united and support YPG in the defense of Kobane. Every Kurd changed their Facebook picture in support of Shengal, they should do the same for Kobane now.
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