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Pictures of our fallen hero Martyrs; شەهیدەکانی ڕێگای ڕزگاری کوردستان
Topic Started: 14th January 2015 - 06:05 PM (6,278 Views)
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Credit goes to Mashgal :thumbs:
Russian Girenak Joseph, who visited Kirkuk in Kurdistan as a part of his tour throu the 1870 - 1873 AD, who published the results of his trip & his studies later in 1879, in the 4th volume in the Bulletin of the Caucasus department of the Royal Geographical Russian Society estimated Kirkuk's population as many as 12-50,000 people, & he emphasized that except 40 Christian families, the rest of the population were Kurds. As for The Turkmen & Arabs, they have not been already existed at the time.
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Mashgal Ali Entertainment
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thanks Kak Alan !
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Mashgal Ali Entertainment
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Sehid Nameret !

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great tread hope it doesn't die.

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Two Pesh who lost their lives today

Jutyar Akrayy
Nafi Ismail
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Russian Girenak Joseph, who visited Kirkuk in Kurdistan as a part of his tour throu the 1870 - 1873 AD, who published the results of his trip & his studies later in 1879, in the 4th volume in the Bulletin of the Caucasus department of the Royal Geographical Russian Society estimated Kirkuk's population as many as 12-50,000 people, & he emphasized that except 40 Christian families, the rest of the population were Kurds. As for The Turkmen & Arabs, they have not been already existed at the time.
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Some of the over 400 YPG Sehids who gaved their lives for Kobane :flower:

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General Hassan Mansur and brigadier Sherko Shwani together in one pic south of Kirkuk 11.2014

They taken many photos together and they lost their lives 1 day apart

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Sherko Swani dad
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Russian Girenak Joseph, who visited Kirkuk in Kurdistan as a part of his tour throu the 1870 - 1873 AD, who published the results of his trip & his studies later in 1879, in the 4th volume in the Bulletin of the Caucasus department of the Royal Geographical Russian Society estimated Kirkuk's population as many as 12-50,000 people, & he emphasized that except 40 Christian families, the rest of the population were Kurds. As for The Turkmen & Arabs, they have not been already existed at the time.
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Shehid Namrin
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Russian Girenak Joseph, who visited Kirkuk in Kurdistan as a part of his tour throu the 1870 - 1873 AD, who published the results of his trip & his studies later in 1879, in the 4th volume in the Bulletin of the Caucasus department of the Royal Geographical Russian Society estimated Kirkuk's population as many as 12-50,000 people, & he emphasized that except 40 Christian families, the rest of the population were Kurds. As for The Turkmen & Arabs, they have not been already existed at the time.
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Amad Mzuri - martyred in Duhok to Zummar offensive in Jan by driving a Dingo to stop a suicide bomber...

RIP hero :flower:
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Russian Girenak Joseph, who visited Kirkuk in Kurdistan as a part of his tour throu the 1870 - 1873 AD, who published the results of his trip & his studies later in 1879, in the 4th volume in the Bulletin of the Caucasus department of the Royal Geographical Russian Society estimated Kirkuk's population as many as 12-50,000 people, & he emphasized that except 40 Christian families, the rest of the population were Kurds. As for The Turkmen & Arabs, they have not been already existed at the time.
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Heval Armanc looks at your post, this is why i urge everyone to upload the images here then use its URL, posting URL from outside gets corrupted all the time, you dont want to post it for few days you want your post to remain so new comers can see them for a long time :yes:
Russian Girenak Joseph, who visited Kirkuk in Kurdistan as a part of his tour throu the 1870 - 1873 AD, who published the results of his trip & his studies later in 1879, in the 4th volume in the Bulletin of the Caucasus department of the Royal Geographical Russian Society estimated Kirkuk's population as many as 12-50,000 people, & he emphasized that except 40 Christian families, the rest of the population were Kurds. As for The Turkmen & Arabs, they have not been already existed at the time.
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so many sheihd. and they are by far not all and even more will become marytr.
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The 5 Sehids who fell in the operation south of Kerkûk, Daquq
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secular sheikh

1st September 2015 - 04:42 AM
The 5 Sehids who fell in the operation south of Kerkûk, Daquq
rest in peace heroes :flower:
#PROMOTEWOMENRIGHTS They should be able to decide on their own whether they want to take the pill or want an abortion.
"shengal bo ezdi ya", Ezidi namerin, HATA ARAB NAMAYEN NEK SHENGAL!
"A society can never be free without women's liberation" - Abdullah Ocalan
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Hero was martyred by IED in South weat Makhmour
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Russian Girenak Joseph, who visited Kirkuk in Kurdistan as a part of his tour throu the 1870 - 1873 AD, who published the results of his trip & his studies later in 1879, in the 4th volume in the Bulletin of the Caucasus department of the Royal Geographical Russian Society estimated Kirkuk's population as many as 12-50,000 people, & he emphasized that except 40 Christian families, the rest of the population were Kurds. As for The Turkmen & Arabs, they have not been already existed at the time.
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PAK Peshmerga martyred in Bashik, his name is Mahamad Pur... RIP hero :flower::flower::flower:
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Russian Girenak Joseph, who visited Kirkuk in Kurdistan as a part of his tour throu the 1870 - 1873 AD, who published the results of his trip & his studies later in 1879, in the 4th volume in the Bulletin of the Caucasus department of the Royal Geographical Russian Society estimated Kirkuk's population as many as 12-50,000 people, & he emphasized that except 40 Christian families, the rest of the population were Kurds. As for The Turkmen & Arabs, they have not been already existed at the time.
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1st Posted by pker

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Russian Girenak Joseph, who visited Kirkuk in Kurdistan as a part of his tour throu the 1870 - 1873 AD, who published the results of his trip & his studies later in 1879, in the 4th volume in the Bulletin of the Caucasus department of the Royal Geographical Russian Society estimated Kirkuk's population as many as 12-50,000 people, & he emphasized that except 40 Christian families, the rest of the population were Kurds. As for The Turkmen & Arabs, they have not been already existed at the time.
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No victory without sacrifices. Thanks to these Peshmergas who sacrificed their lives 12 villages were liberated in Kerkûk today.

Sehid Namirin :flower:
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Mashgal Ali Entertainment
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When I see the images ! I see true heroes !

Can't imagine a more painfull death, But the looks on their faces ! Baqorbane hamo peshmergayak bm

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Scarlet Speedster

Shehid Namirin
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Scarlet Speedster

Heval Herdem / Musa Kobani.

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Jim M
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R. Sergeant Major

Never forget the fallen.

God bless all our martyred hero's

Remembrance Day in Canada commemorates the sacrifices of people in all armed conflicts. ... Wed, Nov 11, 2015,

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Kurdish Wisdom of War Proverbs:

"Deal with your friends as if they will become your enemies tomorrow, and deal with your
enemies as if they will become your friends tomorrow."

"Those away from the battlefield boast about their swords."

"Those who do not go to war roar like a lion."

"Everything is pardoned the brave."

"Whoever digs a pit for his enemy should dig it his own size."

"A thousand friends are too few; one enemy is one too many."
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Fallen heroes from latest Isis suicide attack on Dibs police station
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Russian Girenak Joseph, who visited Kirkuk in Kurdistan as a part of his tour throu the 1870 - 1873 AD, who published the results of his trip & his studies later in 1879, in the 4th volume in the Bulletin of the Caucasus department of the Royal Geographical Russian Society estimated Kirkuk's population as many as 12-50,000 people, & he emphasized that except 40 Christian families, the rest of the population were Kurds. As for The Turkmen & Arabs, they have not been already existed at the time.
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Sehids from the battle at the mosul front yesterday (16.12.2015) :flower:
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Rizgar Derxusti pkk cewlik commander from Lice.

Edited by Zinar, 24th December 2015 - 10:44 PM.

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Serdar Demirok & Sezgin Demirok from Lice

Sores Mutlu from Lice

Serhat Dogan from Cermik

Edited by Zinar, 26th December 2015 - 11:56 PM.

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