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Viewing Single Post From: [ti]SW[/ti]SK Peshmerga
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chivaz serko
10th March 2016 - 11:53 AM
the european colation training peshmerga isnt effective, it took peshmerga about a year and a half to liberate shingal and they still have not liberated the christian towns and villages east of mosul. peshmerga should ask ypg to train them instead and kick the useless so called anti isis colation out of SK
my friend, if you think that peshmerga could not liberate shingal because they had to train for 2 years, then i will eate a kebab today :)
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams

"If Turkey allows itself interfere in the matter of Kerkûk because of a few thousand Turkmen, we will do the same with regard to Diyarbakir (Amed) and other Kurdistani cities in Turkey because of 30 million Kurds." - President Masoud Barzanî
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[ti]SW[/ti]SK Peshmerga · Kurdish Military
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