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Viewing Single Post From: HEWLÊR | Divan 5 Star Hotel
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30th January 2013 - 01:52 PM
it was actually sarcasm, since all these projects are private foreign investments and have nothing to do with the tiny 17%. i-rack cant do anything with their 83% of $110 billion yearly budget so adding another 17 wont make any difference.
I know, but we need to get more money from those brainless idiots.
Their leaders don't care about their own people. Even if you tell Maliki ''Give us additional 20% so total 37% and you can take 5% for yourself''.
He will immediately betray his country and approve. That's how they are xD
biji kurd u kurdistan !!
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HEWLÊR | Divan 5 Star Hotel · Kurdistan Highrise Construction
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